Saturday, April 10, 2010

Milestones of the ARPANET

 March 1970- First ARPANET node made on US East Coast
 September 1971- First terminal interface processor (TIP) was used (Remote access)
 1972- By the end of this year there were 24 sites on ARPANET. For example, NASA
 1973- there were 37 sites
 June 1974- there were 62 computers connected to ARPANET
 March 1977- there were 111 computers on ARPANET
 1983- MILNET split from ARPANET. MILNET then became part of DDN (Defense Data Network)
 1985- In the mid 80’s ARPANET got gateways to external networks. Internet became global
 1990- ARPANET retired. Computers than connected to NSFNET

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