Saturday, April 10, 2010

The history of the internet

There are three main individuals who are responsible for the creation or discovery of the internet. Their names are Vannevar Bush, Norbert Wiener, and Marshall McLuhan. “Vannevar Bush wrote the first visionary description of the potential uses for information technology with his description of the ‘memex’ automated library system”. “Norbert Wiener invented the field of cybernetics, inspiring researchers to focus on the use of technology to extend human capabilities”, and, “Marshall McLuhan made the idea of a global village interconnected by an electronic nervous system part of our popular culture”. (Reference: There was also a very important conference that was held which made it more known that technology was growing very fast and thus needed to be taken seriously. This conference was called ‘The 1956 Dartmouth Artificial Intelligence Conference’.
In 1957, during the war, nuclear arms were being made. Bombs and other dangerous machines were being invented. This spread fear throughout and thus the US wanted to protect themselves. This is when the idea of wider communication between countries was brought up by Licklider and was implemented by Lawrence Roberts. This is when the RAND solution came about, which then led to the ARPANET. (The ARPANET went live in 1969.) The first communication took place between the University of California, Los Angeles and the Stanford Research Institute. The ARPANET became known as the NSFNET in 1990. The NSFNET then connected with the CSNET and then to the EUnet. After 1990, the internet started being used and was then given to individuals in 1995 to control. (Reference:

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